Al Jawala - Balkan Big Beats
Es war ein wunderbar konzert in jazzhaus (Freiburg)!!!anyway my german is not fluent at all...i was saying how wonderful was a concert @ Jazzhaus (Freiburg - Bade Wurtemberg).Al Jawala, a young band full of energy, playing jazz...jazzily, with Orientalistic and Balkan influences.They played for 2h30 jumping saxophonisticaly all around, derbouka and drums, violins and Bass, and even Didjerido tunes.Here is their promotion-video and a link to their website.
Hey, if you like this, take a look at Thierry Titi...http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=+titi+robin
Hi anonymous, i liked titi and robin improvisation too :-)
Thanx for the visit and for sharing
slm amigo, you'r right, concert magnifique, les musiciens dégageaient une formidable énergie et le public leur rendait bien... on en sort plein de vie!
Ravie de l'avoir partagé avec toi, à quand le prochain! ;-)
Thanx Booyaomar, i hope oneday u'll see them "live".
Welcomeback Hürem, d'autres conçerts d'Al Jawala....j'éspère en revoir bcp :)) d'autres du même "gabarit" il faudra courir le monde pour les trouver
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